Heat Treating & Black Oxide Services
Induction Heat Treating
Salt Bath Heat Treating
Abrasive Blasting
Aluminum Heat Treating
Our Approach to Service
The hands-on management at ECMT allows custom processing of all jobs from the smallest dies to large production orders. Customers requiring quality heat treating services include companies ranging in size from small local shops to international companies who have approved ECMT as their heat treating vendor.
The commitment to personal services starts with a comprehensive training program for all employees. This assures that all personnel understand the importance of providing deliveries of quality products to their customers.
North Carolina & Virginia
Pickup and Delivery

East Carolina Metal Treating and Virginia Metal Treating has a fleet of trucks running 5 days a week. We offer pickup and delivery to many areas of North Carolina and Virginia.
Please call 919-834-2100 to determine if your specific location is within our delivery routes.